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ENRICH in Africa

The ENRICH in Africa project is aimed to connect EU and Africa innovation ecosystems. The project will run from 2021 to 2023, focusing on three main phases.

The first phase draws together the expertise of our core partners to develop and pilot activities that can demonstrate impact and value.

These activities will then be launched in the second phase of the project, when the services will be opened to the wider community.

Phase three will then build on this solid foundation of knowledge and services, to set up the ENRICH in Africa Centre which will be the sustainable outcome from the project.

The project is funded by the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 programme and coordinated by Steinbeis 2i in Germany. ENRICH in Africa works with key partners and advisors from the innovation landscape of Europe and Africa. Together we address the needs for capacity development of incubators, accelerators, and entrepreneurs in both regions.

With our ever-expanding partnerships, we engage and work with a wide variety of existing and sucessful incubators and accelerators in both the EU and Africa. Following a co-creation philosophy, our key aim is to connect our Champions with each other to jointly design and learn from capacity-building services. Those who become our Champions are then able to access all the benefits of the ENRICH in Africa activities and services.

To learn more, please check the official website of the project: